What: COMPILE partners published a new paper

Where: Online – Special Issue of Energies journal

When: 27th March 2021

COMPILE partner ICCS/NTUA published a paper under the Special Issue of the Energies journal – “Smart Photovoltaic Energy Systems for a Sustainable Future” Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) Energies 202114(7), 1862, titled “Photovoltaics Enabling Sustainable Energy Communities: Technological Drivers and Emerging Markets”;

The paper investigates the economic benefits of an energy community (EnC) examining small-scale photovoltaics and applying energy trading amongst the members, under the establishment of a local energy market. The paper studies whether a community-operated local energy market can enhance the investment feasibility of behind-the-meter small-scale PVs, installed by EnC members.

Driven by the ongoing public discourse on forming an EnC in the municipality of Rafina-Pikermi in Greece, which was initiated by COMPILE project, the paper studies the economic benefits for local citizens and the municipality participating in an EnC that operates a local electricity market. (Rafina is one of the COMPILE pilot sites).

Assuming the current situation in the regulatory framework and disregarding grid tariffs and local trading taxation, the simulations show that the economic benefits for members participating in the community are significantly enhanced, while the introduction of flexibility can boost self-consumption, increasing the overall efficiency of the community.

For more information, the full paper can be found here or on the COMPILE webpage under “Downloads“.

The cover photo is taken from the paper and shows the local energy market of an energy community.